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Posts tagged sand
image from "Beach Calligraphy," by Andrew van der Merwe, Japan Letter Arts Forum, 21 October 2008 :: via The Ministry of Type :: first posted here 8 September 2009
South African calligrapher Andrew van der Merwe has developed various wedge- and scoop-shaped tools to allow him to carve letters out of beach sand. This is a picture of one of his creations, on a beach in Belgium.

from "Ukraine's Got Talent," by Kseniya Simonova, posted 7 June 2009
This remarkable and touching Ukrainian history lesson depicted in sand is a wonderful example of how art can do what words cannot. Watching the reactions of the audience members speaks volumes about how that nation's citizens are still feeling the emotional impact of WWII and Victory Day. After you've watched the video, get more of the story