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Posts tagged invention

from "Patent US690236 - COW-TAIL HOLDER," awarded to C. W. Colwell of Delhi, New York, United States Patent Office, 31 December 1901 :: via Tweets of Old
from "Patent No. 383,817: Knitting-Machine," by Benjamin B. Lamprey and Almon C. Bugbee, 29 May 1888
a post, 2 December 2008

The Food Timeline shows which foods were invented when. Ok, not invented, exactly, but first eaten. A tasting menu:

Pretzels, 5th century AD.
Pork and beans, 1475.
Foie gras, 1st century AD.
Croissants, 1686.
Chop suey, 1896.
Popcorn, 3600 BC.
Swedish meatballs, 1754.

(via snarkmarket)

We learn about and remember the inventions, equations, and colors that changed the world. But we can easily forget that at the time, which invention, equation, and color would prevail was an entirely open question. And then we can easily deceive ourselves into thinking that changing the world is a great deal easier than it actually is.

Culture Making, p.193