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Posts tagged antiquities

from "Anubis stands guard at D/FW Airport," by Terry Maxon, AIRLINE BIZ Blog, 19 December 2008

Anubis, that wacky Egyptian god with the head of a jackal and the body of a human, is hanging around Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.

Actually, a 26-foot-tall statue of Mr. Anubis, known as the god of the dead or the underworld, was installed Friday at Founders Plaza, at the airport’s northwest corner.Anubis at DFW Airport Dec. 19, 2008.jpg

There he’ll stand for a while, watching airplanes take off and land with the other Founders Plaza planewatchers.

Mr. Anubis, with his back to the airport as he faces north, is there to celebrate the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. Says airport CEO Jeff Fegan:

The placement of Anubis at our highly popular Founders’ Plaza observation area highlights the cultural and economic significance of DFW International Airport to the North Texas region.

This will allow thousands of local citizens and international tourists to get a up-close look at this unique statue and allow DFW a great opportunity to support the DMA as part of our Owner Cities Program.

To see this fine bit of statuary, go south on Texas Trail off of State Highway 114 until you can’t go any more.

And yes, that is a candy cane in Mr. Anubis’ hand.