Culture Making is now archived. Enjoy five years of reflections on culture worth celebrating.
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There are some things you can't do alone—for example, be born. There are some things you must do alone no matter how many are with you—for example, die. Then there are things you should only do alone if you have no other choice—for example, eat, laugh, and worship. Which is why the largest part of our tithe and our time goes to the Church of the Good Samaritan, Episcopal, in Paoli, Pennsylvania, where we are led into worship every week and sent out, in the words of the Book of Common Prayer, "to love and serve the Lord" in the world. Tonight this sanctuary will be full of the sounds and sights of Christmas—something none of us could do in the same way by ourselves. Of all the financial gifts we give, this one is the most self-serving, since we are served and blessed by our church in so many ways. But our gifts also help pour out something costly and beautiful at the feet of Jesus, who is the reason we can give anything at all.